Saturday, April 14, 2012

After the long wait, here is my blog.

Hi my name is Peter, I always wanted to create a blog but I finally made the time for it. I am a Marine, veteran, student, achiever, gamer, learner those are just few that pops up fight now and I will go into more detail about my background in later blogs. Mainly I want to use this blog to share few things and keep track the progresses, from wealth, fitness, relationships, career, emotions and educations, but I will focus more on my fitness path with this blog.

There are few reasons why I want to create a blog also for you to follow it. First I think I have a pretty interesting life in some people's eyes and I also want to use this blog as a journal to keep track of events and tasks that I achieve and complete. Second I will mainly use this blog to post and keep track of my fitness and financial goals. I think these are the two biggest things that men wants to achieve success in. As you can see in the title "Road to the top 10%", I don't think is reasonable for me to want to be the richest person or the fittest person in the world(Also it is hard to measure what the fittest person is), but I do have my goal set on being the top 10% tiles. (To be honest my goal is more of being the top 5% but I want to be a bit humble with my goals, also being the top 5% is my goal on everything I do.)

Also I think my friends will learn something about me from this blog. I will share things that I would not normally share in person on here. Not that I don't trust my friends, sometimes I just don't know how to express myself in person. Lastly I will share on the things I do and find that works, I will focus more on the fitness part, but I will try to share some financial tips that I think is useful also.

Hopefully this blog will help me achieve my goal and you will find this blog informative and learn a thing or two.

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