Thursday, June 28, 2012

Maxed out 275 6/24

I haven't been blogging lately, I been pretty upset at my injury of the sprained ankle. However a good new is that I finally maxed out 275, every time I go to the gym I try to get this locker "275" to remind myself what my goal is. My bench have been stuck for the past few months (wouldn't benched 270 for atleast 2 months before that) and I was getting pretty upset at myself over the whole "weight room" deal, I even though about taking a break from lifting weight for a while.

I pushed it up pretty easy maybe because since I can't do any much cardio with a sprained ankle, I been spending more time focusing more on lifting weight. Since I can't do legs, I been spending time working out on my triceps and shoulders. My old schedule was - day 1 chest/biceps day 2 legs/back, and follow a full day or two of cardio(basketball) and that was the cycle. I think spending more time on the triceps helped me with the maxing out a lot. Also I got a new workout buddy that is also in my class, we been hitting the weight room twice a week. Big up to him for pushing me hard in the gym. Got a workout buddy makes workouts much more effective.

I think seeing "the goal" every time I go to the gym, helped me though the tough time and I am glad I pushed myself though it. Now I am aiming to hit 300 and I will try to upload a video of it if I can push it up anytime soon. My ankle is still hurting when I jump, I been shooting around in the gym but I am not ready to play yet. Just got my ankle brace today, hopefully I can start playing after few more days.

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