Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to deal with injuries

Ok I been playing a bit of basketball, maybe a bit too much but I just love the feeling of running up and down the court and get my cardio in, and most importantly the chance to play to win. Like I mentioned before I put in a good 10+ hours each week on the court, I haven't got hurt for a while and finally injuries cough up to me, and I sprained my ankle pretty badly yesterday. I been doing the RICE thing and but it is not looking too good.

Well atleast I scored a point on the play I injured myself. Hopefully my ankle will heal quickly. I already scheduled an appointment with a doctor, hopefully it will help my ankle heal a bit quicker. I really can't see myself sitting out for a week on running and basketball. But am I going to sit around while waiting for my ankle heal? Of course not, I already set a goal of completing 2000 push ups and 200 pull ups today. If I can't get my cardio or lower body in atleast I can get some workout in. Maybe I can get something done for school too.

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